German Alpine Road
Route of the Bavarian Originals

Alpine Road

If it isn't enough that the German Alpine Road offers a multitude of spectacular panoramic views along its entire length, its cultural attractions, one after another, also pepper the route with about 25 ancient castles, monasteries and picturesque palaces along the way, including, of course, the internationally famous royal palaces of Neuschwanstein and Herrenchiemsee.

There are also numerous churches and monasteries. The Pilgrimage Church of Wies and the monasteries of Ettal and Benediktbeuren show baroque style at its highest perfection. There are also many wayside crosses and small chapels in which to take a few minutes of silent reflection.

Surrounded by the magnificent mountain scenery of the Bavarian Alps, our route flits between quaint farming villages and historic towns. Every place has its own history and the plentiful museums enable us to hear their many stories. In particular, in the mountains, the old customs are still cherished, which is reflected in the many festivals throughout the year. A 'Viehscheid' (procession of cows returning from summer meadows) in the Allgäu mountains or Leonhardifahrt (procession of horses) in Bad Tölz give a deep insight into these traditions. The full calendar of events of the places along the road should be looked at when planning - there's definitely something for every taste.

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